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An interesting article from PDI
Monday, April 6, 2009
How to get what you want
By Lia Bernardo
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 00:24:00 04/07/2009

Filed Under: Therapy

MANILA, Philippines - The law of attraction is extremely powerful. Use it wisely. I am not an expert and I’m simply sharing the lessons I have learned along the way.

The law of attraction is about transforming your life, and recognizing what will truly make you happy. Attract what is positive in life. When this happens, everything just seems to flow.

If you are looking for love, for example, it is important that you love yourself first. If it is abundance you are looking for, you must get rid of poverty-consciousness. The secret to using the law of attraction is believing you already have what you desire.

You get exactly what you manifest. For example, if you are constantly saying: “I hope I meet and marry a rich man,” you will probably end up meeting and marrying someone who will make you financially secure, but will probably not treat you right.
Or if you say: “I want stress to disappear from my life,” “stress” is the key word you are sending out to the universe, thus, you attract more stress.

Key to manifesting
The key to manifesting lies in the phraseology “I have met my romantic soulmate. We have a harmonious relationship filled with understanding, mutual respect, humor, romance, financial independence, etc.” You need to enumerate every aspect of what you want.

A friend of mine went through this exercise and met the man of her dreams. The only problem was he was eight years younger. She forgot to put the age. They just laugh about it now, and they are happy together.

It is like saying: “I don’t want to get into an accident.” Since the words “want” and “accident” are dominant, they are what the universe will give you. “I am safe and protected at all times” is a more positive affirmation. Thus the universe deciphers it as “is safe and protected at all times.”

Notice also that I use the present tense. If you state “I want,” you will forever be in the state of want. “I will” puts you in wait mode. There are a lot more books besides “The Secret” that give advice on how to use the law of attraction.

Just remember to manifest what is important in your life. Peace, joy, tranquility, contentment, love, romance, harmony in the family and at work and the like are part of the language of the universe.

posted by JoGJMac( @ 1:51 PM   0 comments
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