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Please have your body's vitamin D level checked....It's very important!!!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
i was recently diagnosed to be suffering from hypovitaminosis D - or a deficiency in vitamin D in my body. with the executive check ups that i had in the philippines, not once was the level of vitamin D included in my blood works. lack of vitamin D affects the absorption of calcium, thus the danger of having osteoporosis or multiple sclerosis. my uric acid level is normal, so my muscle, and joint pains are caused by this deficiency. vitamin D deficiency ( according to my physician) can also cause cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer (particularly cancer of the breast and lungs). i am posting this, hoping that you will include a lab exam of your vitamin D level on your next blood chemistry.

 What is vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency is a common condition in which the body has inadequate stores of vitamin D. This fat-soluble vitamin is produced in the skin as a result of exposure to the sun’s rays, which are the main source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is also available in dietary supplements and in liver, eggs, oily fish, and fortified milk and dairy products.

Vitamin D is essential for many aspects of health, including the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food and the building of strong bones. Vitamin D is also important for hormone regulation, inflammation reduction, and the optimal functioning of the nervous system and the immune system. It is critical for normal development and growth of cells, bones and teeth.
Vitamin D deficiency is far more common than once believed. The sun’s rays are the primary source of vitamin D, and lifestyle changes have made it difficult for many people to get enough time in the sun. Reasons for limited sun exposure include working indoors, as well as using sunscreen and avoiding the sun to prevent skin cancer. People who live in Northern latitudes also have difficulty getting enough vitamin D because in these areas the sun’s rays are not strong enough during winter months to allow the skin to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D.
Untreated vitamin D deficiency can lead to serious complications, such as bone fractures and bone deformities. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to a variety of serious conditions, such as certain cancers and cardiovascular disease. Seeking regular medical care and following your treatment plan can help reduce the risk of serious complications from vitamin D deficiency.
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the deficiency. Many people have no symptoms of vitamin D deficiency until complications, such as rickets (a softening of the bones in children), are present. Symptoms may also be mild or subtle. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:... Read More About Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
What causes vitamin D deficiency?
A major cause of vitamin D deficiency is limited sun exposure. Your skin produces vitamin D when it is exposed to the sun. Many people who live far from the equator in the northern and southern hemispheres get inadequate exposure to the sun because the sun’s rays are not strong enough during winter months. Having an indoor occupation and using sunscreen also limit the amount of sun exposure a person receives.... Read More About Vitamin D Deficiency Causes
How is vitamin D deficiency treated?Vitamin D deficiency is treatable. With prompt diagnosis and treatment, you can expect to have a good prognosis and a minimal risk of developing serious permanent complications, such as rickets, osteomalacia and Osteoporosis.... Read More About Vitamin D Deficiency Treatments
posted by JoGJMac( @ 3:33 PM  
  • At February 21, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Anonymous Discount Vitamins said…

    Many expertise and doctors recommended vitamin d 50 000 units to recover extreme vitamin d deficiency signs and symptoms. Since vitamin d overdose can be so dangerous, it’s much recommended to consult to the doctor or physician to take some prescription.

    What is the secret obtaining free of vitamin d? Exposing the skin into sunlight for up 15 minutes or 30 minutes in the morning, will obtaining enough vitamin d in human body. But it must require the skin stand with sun light during that time. And anyone who got vitamin d deficiency, try to do this little secret and hopefully vitamin d will raise up step by step and the deficiency will stay away.

    This method is the simplest ways to overcome vitamin d deficiency in healthy and natural ways. But don’t too get long exposure in sun light, because a longer time your skin are can’t stand and cause skin cancer. The lighter skin are more risk than darker skin, since amount of pigment skin can hold up the ultraviolet of sun light.

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